Shipping & Returns
What is the delivery time of my order?
Standard delivery is 1 to 2 working days. Deliveries to the UK may be up to 4 working days.
If we are unable to deliver your order on time, we will contact you within 2 business days.
How will my order be shipped?
All our orders are shipped using national carriers or, for shipments outside the Netherlands, by one of our shipping partners.
Upon receipt of your order please check if your package has not been opened and is undamaged.
Choose your delivery address:
Add an address and/or change your delivery address during the checkout process.
We can deliver to your home or work address.
Shipping costs in the Netherlands:
You do not pay shipping costs for orders with a total order value of more than €75. For orders below that amount, shipping costs will be applied.
We want you to be happy with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with your purchase or it does not meet with your expectations, you can return it to us. Returns can be made within 14 days from the day of receipt. Once your return has been processed, we will refund the purchase amount directly to your payment method.
How can I make a return?
Please initially consult the return conditions, (see below,) to see if your purchase is eligible for return.
You can register your returning shipment via [email protected], You will be asked for your postcode and your order or tracking number. Fill in the required information, and at the end, you can download and print your own DPD return label.
You can then prepare the package for shipment. Attach the DPD label to the box and take the package to your selected DPD Pick-Up & Return Shop.
Return Conditions
Make sure your purchase is in the exact same condition as when you received it, undamaged, and in the original packaging. Worn, damaged, or repaired footwear products will not be accepted and will be returned to your address. Shoe boxes must also be returned undamaged (in the original outer box or shipping bag). If boxes are damaged (e.g., labeled or stickered boxes), €5 will be deducted from the refund.
- You are responsible for the safe return of all purchases.
- For returns that are not registered within 21 days from the day of receipt, JJ Footwear assumes that the delivery obligation has been fully met. Registered returns must be in the possession of JJ Footwear within 21 days from the day of receipt. JJ Footwear reserves the right to refuse products that are returned later than the aforementioned period.
- Free returns in the Netherlands (via DPD)